Episode 17: Be a Person of Influence

Melodie talks with Nappy Coach, Nia Green, about their friendship and life journey. Nia and Melodie knew each other from growing up in Amarillo. Now living in DFW, Nia has grown as a life coach and expanded her experience.

Nia’s experience as a life coach helps others facilitate goals for clients. They discuss the importance therapy and healing the past so you can catapult into the future. Life coaches and mentors can come in many forms such as business, spiritual, fitness, etc.

Even if a person doesn’t seek a professional or paid life coach, it is important to have people you can lean and rely on. Want to become a Life Coach with integrity? Check out the Global Institute of Coaches and Entrepreneurs to get started!




Episode 18: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Episode 16: Happy Birthday Dr. King